Founded in 1947 by Bishop James Ownens in his home, with his wife and to adult daughters, he founded the Unity Chapel Church, Inc.; a church, found on the principles prayer, holiness and godliness. For 51 and a half years, his faithful commitment to the ministry grew the church by leaps and bounds, through several buildings, to our current location at 5250 Thekla. In 1998, God called Bishop Owens home to be with him, and in January of 1999 his grandson, Bishop Ronald S, Irving was officially installed as Senior Pastor after years of faithful service. Under Bishop Irvings leadership, the Lord grew the church by leaps and bounds and in July of 2021, Bishop Irving retired from Pastoral Ministry. Passing the baton to his grandson, Elder Keenan Peebles.
Here at Unity, we strive to reflect the image of Christ unto the world and the kingdom at large. We fully accept and practice collaborative and shared leadership, utilizing team based structures. Because we believe this, we also believe in a strong personal work ethic and responsible decision making (at the leading of the Holy Spirit) should be apart of the strategy of all of our staff, leaders, and members. This synergistic environment coupled with our individual and collective diversity, creates a robust system for innovative and transformative leadership and culture.